
An Afternoon in Verrado

I spent my last session in Phoenix with this super cute family in the just-as-cute neighborhood of Verrado. As soon as Robbie got out of the car he saw a butterfly, and we spent the rest of our time together searching high and low for polka dot, striped, and spider-eating butterflies in between shots. We never did find any, but I'm sure it's not impossible. Maybe next time we'll find one.

Robbie was such a great model, and was so excited to see Madagascar 2 once we were finished. I'm sure it was even better than he imagined. Once I got every smile out of him that I could, we turned him loose on the playground and got some shots of Mom & Dad together. They couldn't look any better together, and I love the color palette Heather chose for everyone!

Here's a tip: Having trouble deciding what to wear for your session? Do what Heather did. Choose a super cute, brightly patterned piece for one of your kids, and the pull colors from that pattern for everyone else. The end result? A perfectly harmonious range of bright color where each individual is unique, and not matching every other member of the family.

And I'll leave you with some good news. Although this is the last of the November Phoenix sessions, I will be back in the area next weekend (Dec. 12-15) and am booking sessions! If you would like to make an appointment, email me soon because sessions are limited!

1 comment:

Amy Hunsinger said...

awesome photos girlie! phoenix is lucky to have you!!!