
Celebrate Summer with Ethni Photography!

There's something about summer that just makes people... happier. Maybe it's the tan skin that causes faces to glow. Or the pure joy of running outside without shivering and pulling the hat over your frozen ears. Either way, it's here, along with the shouts of Marco Polo in the pool, and the lazy summer evenings with faint smells of barbecue in the air.

Today you can add one more item to that list: Celebrating Summer with Ethni Photography!

Book your session before August 1, 2008, to take advantage of a special summer session fee of $175, as well as other special summer incentives!

Because the best seasons in life have to be celebrated... even something as simple as summer finally hitting Central Oregon!


More Than Words

She grew up on 12,000 acres in eastern Oregon. He came from a suburb of Detroit, Michigan. This country girl and city boy eventually made their way just outside of San Diego, having both enlisted in the Marine Corps. It was there they fell in love. Nearly 23 years (and two kids) later, they have come full circle.

This portrait session was a celebration of their love.

It had been in the works since February, endured two weather rain checks, a never-ending winter, and endless emails through which God showed up. A few times.

As we settled into the groove of the session, Jerry pulled his guitar out of the car. Together they sat in the grass, as his fingers flew over the strings making music I can only dream of doing. After a few toe-tapping tunes, some familiar notes started making their way out of the guitar as a smile came over Teena's face. He played. She sang. The tears came to her eyes, as did the goosebumps on my arms.

Smith Rock wasn't just an off-hand location selection. It was the perfect, dramatic backdrop to celebrate a love and a marriage whose foundation is on Jesus Christ. He is their Rock. And I was so honored to spend the evening there with Jerry and Teena.

Teena, I know you've been chomping at the bit for a peek at your proofs. Your gallery is nearly ready. In the meantime, here are a few to whet your whistle.


Daddy's Biggest Fan

Stefan happens to be the defensive coordinator for the Vale High School Vikings and, on this particular Father's Day, he was in Idaho at a football camp. Mom surprised him with a print of this photo, and was interrupted as she quickly planned where they would display it in their home.

This Father's Day photo wasn't going to be hung in their house. It will be proudly displayed in his classroom. After all, Daddy might need some daily encouragement from his biggest fan, and greatest accomplishment to date.

Happy Father's Day, Stefan!

And Happy Father's Day, Dad... ya big crab apple. ;)



Have you ever experienced passion for the Lord? The kind that starts in deep places of your soul, and moves out until it forms that sweet smile of pure joy across your face? I was listening to a song this morning by Evan Earwicker, and one line was resonating with me. A few simple words that hold so much truth.

"I don't want to sing of a passion I've never known."

How easy it is to go to church, or to a bible study, and pay lip service. Singing the songs without actually pondering the words leaving our lips. Putting on the mask. Fitting the part.

I don't want to do that.

We have a friend whose passion was dancing. For every play or outreach our church back home put on, she was there for months prior. She coordinated every dance step, and picked out the perfect music, praying through every decision. Her way of worship was through dance. Somehow, as she danced, the world around her melted away. And God used that gifting incredibly. Nearly a year ago, Sara was killed in a car accident at the age of 25. Six weeks earlier, she had put her heart and soul into choreographing a handful of hip hop dances for a powerful purity conference held on the Oregon State campus. She went out in a blaze of glory, doing what she loved. And people were impacted eternally because of it.

I don't want to passively sit on the sidelines, allowing the business side of things to take away from my passion. I don't want to be caught, when it's my time, having gotten away from the initial vision God gave me. I want to be caught, like Sara, in a blaze of glory. Passionately pursuing what I was called to do. Not just taking portraits of people. But telling stories. Encouraging believers. Supporting missionaries. Using this gifting He has given me to the fullest extent of His ability, which I cannot begin to imagine the possibilities of.

As I listened to this song this morning, I thought about dance as a form of worship. I'm not a dancer. But as I shoot, I'm dancing. And with every spin, and graceful move of that dance, photographs are thrown up in the air above me. Rising up to the heavens with a beautiful dance of their own, a sacrifice back to the God who created me.

May I never be caught doing my own dance. Because it really isn't pretty.

To listen to "Dance With Me" by Evan Earwicker, pause the music on the player to your right.

Be blessed today!


New Designs in the Ethni Paper Shoppe

There are a few more designs in the Ethni Paper Shoppe. I will be adding new items steadily for the next few weeks, but I love this one so much I had to share it with you.

Cheers to the fact that season-appropriate weather has finally hit Central Oregon! Now it's time to work on getting rid of the ghostly winter skin!


Ethni Paper Shoppe

In the last two weeks I feel like I've been hit with a bolt of creative lightning. The kind that can strike without warning and leave your hair on end. Anything, it seems, has given me inspiration. Vases, flowers, trees... (For some reason, I have a strange fascination with trees. It's one I haven't been able to shake since college, and am convinced will lead me on the endless pursuit of the perfect shot under a perfect tree.) Anyway, even a belt in an ad in the Harper's Bazaar magazine I was flipping through today sparked an idea. My mind is always going. A pad of paper and a pen are never far away to catch cryptic notes to be incorporated into something hopefully fabulous later.

Last week I began consolidating all these sparks of ideas into the next phase of my business: the Ethni Paper Shoppe, nestled deep in the wonderful world of Etsy. Now I must warn you, this is when the geeky graphic designer in me comes out. Please excuse me while I put on my thick-rimmed glasses... Ok. Much better. Now I can say this in full confidence: I giggle a little every time I see the avatar on my etsy page. It just so happens that the initials of my shop name spell out "eps," the vector format of choice for designers. No, I didn't plan it. But I kind of enjoy it.

Anyway, I have been working steadily for the last week to pound out solid designs for the shop. I would like to have more for the big reveal, but there just aren't enough hours in the day. There are currently seven birth announcements, save the date cards and invitations for sale, created to complement your brand new portraits. However all the designs are for sale to the general public, and can be customized with any photograph (with the photographer's permission, of course.)

What are you still here for? Go check out the brand new Ethni Paper Shoppe! Add me to your favorites or add an RSS feed to be the first to know of new designs that are added. The shop will be greatly expanding in the next few months. You guys are the lucky ones to be with me from the beginning! Now I'm going to go put my nerdy glasses away...


Design Aglow

Whether you are a professional photographer, or an avid hobbyist, Design Aglow is an incredible resource to have in your back pocket! The first day I stumbled upon it months ago, I was in love. The woman behind it is none other than Lena Hyde (who is also behind the Learnfest that I can't keep my mouth shut about!) Staying true to the tag line, Design Aglow has now produced four digital magazines chock-full of tips, real world stories, successful studios, and design inspiration. Issue number 5 is in the works as we speak, and will feature a spotlight on Jen Thompson's fabulous Redmond studio. To prepare for the article, Jen needed some new bio shots. So I met her at her studio to get some head shots for her. These photographs could have taken themselves! A beautiful Jen in a beautiful studio. I had to spend a few minutes helping her mop up my drool before we left to connect over some yummy chicken wings, french fries and margaritas. Keep an eye out on the Design Aglow website and make sure to buy Issue 5 when it debuts! I know I will!

Meanwhile, I've been busy behind the scenes working on some of the creative ideas rolling around in my brain. I'm working feverishly to get them implemented and in front of your eyes. Check back soon for the big reveal!