
Cherished Friends, Cherished Memories

This family is one of my favorites, which made our session together so fun. Unlike most of my posts, this one will be somewhat light with text. Partly because it's nearly midnight, and partly because my poor brain has had a little too much action recently (see the post below).

However, I will say that Josh and I have truly fallen in love with this family, and they have proven to be really great friends to us. The shoot was fun (even though we came across the rattlesnake I talked about in a previous post), and ended with an outdoor table at a yummy restaurant (with false promises of a milk shake for the girls). I'll admit the food was good even though they gave Josh creamer for his coffee that expired two months prior... But the company made the evening, and I think by the end of the night I had brainwashed Sophia into deciding she wanted to be a photographer when she grew up. (Although I'm nearly certain the thought has already left her adorable little mind.)

And with that, I'm off to put this weary brain to bed.


Why Custom Photography?

I came across a great site this afternoon that could answer a lot of questions people outside of the photography world typically have. Specifically common questions like
"How in the world can you charge $60 for an 8×10 if it costs me less than $2 to print at the local drug store?"
Rather than copying and pasting large amounts of text, I want to point you to the original site, Professional Child Photographer: The Consumer Guide for Custom Photography.

The premise behind the site is (quoted from the site itself) providing a dedicated guide for the consumer who may have questions in hiring the very best custom photographer for their family.

There are many questions to consider when making a sizable investment in your future by capturing the present and the guide is presented with the consumer in mind. The hope of the contributors is that the site will help alleviate the anxiety in choosing the right photographer for you and your family and will help you make the right decision for custom photography for your memories.

That's it for me on this Monday. I hope the site answers any lingering questions you might have. I will have new blog posts coming soon with peeks of sessions from recent weeks. Until then, enjoy the afternoon!


Beautiful North Carolina

I have a somewhat romanticized view of the south. Maybe it's because Sweet Home Alabama is hands down my all-time favorite movie. I don't care who you are, if you speak with a southern accent, you will charm me. And spending a week on Bald Head Island in North Carolina only made me love the south more. (Watching Nights in Rodanthe today doesn't help things either...)

I am still trying to wrap my hurting, overloaded brain on the experience I am coming off of. Spending two solid days with 60 photographers from the United States (and Canada!), in four intensive, 4-hour classes with instructors I have fallen in love with was pretty close to heaven on earth. I say pretty close because there wasn't one espresso stand on that whole island! If we were in the Pacific Northwest, there would have been 10!

I'm having trouble finding words to sum it all up. But I came back from this trip with an entirely new perspective, and a new found love for what I do. I don't remember the last time I took an afternoon to shoot just for myself. But that's exactly what we did on Sunday afternoon, hopping in our golf cart, cameras in hand, tackling the island.

The workshop began Tuesday morning, and for two solid days, we listened to amazing instructors who put everything they had into their presentations. We talked, exchanged ideas, encouraged each other, and exhausted all aspects of running a photography business. I am now officially in love with Tamara, Laura, Lena and Audrey! The lovely Jen Thompson and I were banking on having Thursday afternoon to see the rest of the island we hadn't yet seen, but conveniently a would-be tropical storm decided to roll through. While 95% of the Learnfest attendees got off the island early to avoid the storm, we hunkered down in our house and enjoyed a full day to ourselves. The rain pounded relentlessly on the windows, and the wind shook the house all day, but we survived it. And the long, exhausting trip home.

I will let some photos from the week tell you the rest of story. After all, they have so many more words than I ever could.

This little guy is also at the top of my "love list." He was our adorable model during our session with Audrey, and his baby blues, and long blonde hair won me over from the start. You would never know from these shots that he had about 15 photographers with cameras in his face. And would you believe his mom has never had professional portraits taken of him? Now she's drowning in photos!

This brother and sister were the models during our time with Tamara. The little guy wouldn't stop giggling (and it was contagious!)

And the rest are shots of the island. Everything I imagined North Carolina to be.

Ok one shot of Jen and me. Might I add that Jen has Nikon running through her blood. I personally think she looks beautiful with a Canon in her hand! (She threatened my life for taking that shot...)

This poor little butterfly had a large chunk missing out of its wing. I was amazed to see that it flew just fine, even with that piece missing. I think you can see the analogy writing itself here.

These last few shots are my favorite because of the story involved. On Monday afternoon as Jen and Sue-Leigh (our other housemate) were wrapping up last minute Learnfest details, I snuck out with the golf cart to enjoy some quiet on the island. As I walked down this boardwalk, I heard Nat King Cole's Unforgettable playing very clearly from one of the houses. The song couldn't have been more perfect for that particular moment. But as I turned and looked to see where the music was coming from, I saw the house in the very last photo. There on the second story porch was a couple dancing. I felt like I was in a movie. And at the moment, I was so very thankful for the incredible opportunity I had to have the whole experience. God is so good, and so faithful. And I walked down the beach in awe of His artistry, and humbled by His provision.


North Carolina Awaits

It seems my little blog has become somewhat neglected this summer. I suppose that's a by-product of running in a million different directions, still tackling three different jobs, and trying to get everything done in a timely manner. Who has time to sit and enjoy a hot latte and fresh muffins, and update the world on the life of their business? Coincidentally, that's just what I happen to be doing at the moment, even though a mile-long list sits on the desk next to me. And I will admit, it feels like a luxury.

Speaking of luxury, I leave very early tomorrow morning to fly 2,887 miles away from this place to a little island off the coast of North Carolina. There I will spend a week with a small gathering of photographers from throughout the United States to talk shop with the company of Audrey Woulard, Tamara Lackey, Laura Novak, and Lena Hyde. Even though I have three weddings and five portrait sessions to finish editing, and a few design projects on my desk, I will take the week to relax and enjoy the company I am with. Even more so since the October issue of True North Parenting is now at the printer! Don't get me wrong, I'm not used to simply not working when there are so many things demanding my attention. However, my laptop is dying a slow and painful death. Conveniently, the only programs it will NOT run are Adobe ones. Photoshop and InDesign? Good luck. It must be God's mercy telling me to slow down and enjoy a much-needed break. I won't argue with Him.

If you need me, this is where I will be:

Jen Thompson and I are traveling together, and I'm very much looking forward to some solid time with her (and yes, I stole this image off her blog). We will be housemates with two other girls at this adorable house, cruising around in golf carts because the island doesn't allow any cars.

And if you are going to be at Learnfest too, lucky you. The Ethni Paper Shoppe is also a sponsor, and you will be receiving these two free holiday card templates in your swag bag:

When I get home late next Friday night, I'll be hitting the ground running, travelling every weekend but one through the end of October. Someday I will get caught up, and my blog will be getting some more attention. But until then, this little update will just have to get you by. Enjoy your weekend! I know I will.


The Hazards of Being a Photographer

For those of you who think that being a professional photographer is a pretty kick back job, I have news for you. It's a highly dangerous business!

On my most recent session at a top secret location, we had just wrapped up with a series of shots and were heading over to the next backdrop when we came across this:

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is a rattlesnake, and my first encounter with one I might add. I could let you think I was crazy enough to walk up and get this close for a picture. And while it really was that close, this shot was taken from the safety of a car. Apparently we interrupted his nap in the warm afternoon sun as the car drove by, and off he went into the grass. The same grass we were just running through, crawling in, laying down on and sinking into.

Call me crazy, but that's a little too close for my comfort level.


A Guest Book With Style

Here's a little sneak peek at a guest book I designed for an upcoming wedding. Try as I might to do a nice, crisp, classic design... I just can't. I have recently tried going that direction, but I can't seem to get the rich colors and textures out of my system. Somehow, a project just doesn't look finished unless there are at least two dozen photoshop layers.

I suppose it's my signature style.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorite pages.


The Evolution of a Portrait

I suppose using the word "evoloution" might cause you to expect multiple shots. But I just have one. I'm editing a recent wedding, and came across a photo that Josh took of me wrangling in the troops for an extended family shot. The shot amused me, so I thought it must be blog-worthy.

Enjoy the weekend!


First Friday Art Walk - The Kilns

If you're looking to take advantage of the tail end of summer, get out this Friday evening for September's First Friday Art Walk!

Join me at The Kilns Bookstore and view my latest work in person (sometimes a computer screen just doesn't do it justice), enjoy a glass of wine, see which missions organizations have recently benefited from Ethni customers, and get a special discount on your 2008 holiday portrait session! Select prints will also be available for purchase or special order.

I'm proud to partner with The Kilns Bookstore for this month's First Friday, and believe in their vision: everyone who works at Kilns Bookstore is an unpaid volunteer for the purpose of helping alleviate poverty and despair in third-world nations. Every item sold at the bookstore will help financially ensure a better quality of life to people in third-world nations.

Stop by this Friday from 6pm-9pm and say hello! The Kilns Bookstore is located in the Old Mill Marketplace at 550 NW Industrial Way, Ste #44.