
Photographers who Inspire: Leah Zawadzki

This is the first of a weekly feature of photographers who inspire me. There are so many out there that you don't look twice at... and then there are the few whose work you come across and it stops you in your tracks. Leah Zawadzki is one of those photographers, and seeing her work gave me the idea for this feature.

Leah is out of Orange County, and a friend summed it up well when she said her style is a throw-back to the days of the Kennedy's. Rich black and whites that evoke emotions you can't quite put your finger on. She has a very artistic take on everyday moments, and her post-processing techniques are to die for.

Check out her work on her website: www.lilyblue.com.

Check back here every Wednesday for a new photographer who inspires me! In the meantime, what photographers inspire you?

1 comment:

Bethany Fegles Photography said...

Wow! I LOVE her work!! Quite amazing expression & emotion she captures. The one of the elderly couple in the room w/ the door light on their faces really took my breath away. I had to just stare at it for a while.
Sorry I've been MIA; I've been meaning to write you for over a week to just catch up!!! I wish we lived in the same town!! We could do weekly coffee dates and "talk shop". :) I've hit the 3rd trimester now, and I have days where I have energy and then other days where I just nap when Jude naps and hardly do anything but shower those days! :) How are things going in Bend?
Hugs to you friend,