
Change in Plans

If you've been following my blog, you know I've been planning for the last three months to travel to Uganda with Antioch Church for missions. I was supposed to leave in 5 1/2 weeks, but the plans of changed. The circumstances of the current trip have been altered from the original vision, including dates and focus of the outreach. For a few weeks now, neither my husband nor I have felt a peace about me going on this particular trip. What helped in solidifying this decision was the change in dates and purpose of the trip, and the fact that the area of Uganda the team will be traveling to is not 100% safe.

However, if you have purchased a portrait session with the understanding that the session fee is going to missions, don't be alarmed. That is still happening. I had every intention of spelling out the specifics here, but have struggled for the last hour for words. To be honest, I don't take the vision the Lord has given me for Ethni Photography lightly. And I don't take my calling as a missions photographer first and foremost lightly. I take it very seriously, and I want to be extremely careful, and prayerful, about the outreach and missions aspect of it. Up until even an hour ago, I had what I thought was a solidified "Plan B" in my mind. But even now, I'm not necessarily sure if that's it. I want to wait and pray, until I have an absolute peace, and confident confirmation about where it is the Lord has me going.

The two places I'm praying between are places where personal friends are living and serving as missionaries: Florianopolis, Brazil and South Africa. This first trip might not even include either of those places--they might be more on the long term list. Either way, my goal is to travel to as many places I can, documenting the work the Lord is doing, and providing a list of missionaries and outreach organizations Ethni clients can choose to send their 25% donation to. As for the clients who have had sessions in the last three months with the understanding that 100% of the proceeds was going to missions, that has not changed. The money I have raised until this point is set aside in a separate Ethni Outreach account that will not be spent on anything other than international travel and support for the purpose of missions photography. I will continue the 100% donation as originally stated through January 31st. Any other money I raise through support outside of portrait sessions in the next 30 days will also go into this account. Whatever I raise above and beyond actual traveling costs will go directly to the missionaries/organization I visit when the time comes.
I was reading this morning in 1 Samuel, and felt so strongly a warning to wait and pray. To be careful to not get ahead of the Lord in my own ambitious efforts to "be true to my word." in 1 Samuel 13, the Israelites were in dire circumstances. 3,000 men without weapons up against an army of "30,000 chariots, 6,000 horsemen and people as the sand which is on the seashore in multitude." As the Israelites hid in caves, thickets, rocks, holes and pits, Saul, the king of Israel, waited for Samuel to arrive to present a burnt offering. Seven days went by and Samuel didn't come. Finally, tired of waiting, Saul took matters into his own hands and offered an offering only the priests were allowed to make. He made a decision in haste to get the ball rolling in what he thought was the right timing that had lasting consequences. Immediately after the burnt offering was made, Samuel arrives, and his words to Saul were left echoing in my head this morning:

"...for now the Lord would have established your kingdom over Israel forever. But now your kingdom shall not continue. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart..." (vs. 13-14)

May I be a woman after God's own heart, my gifting and calling in life established by His hand, and my steps ordered by His voice. May I be extremely careful to not get ahead of Him in my own selfish ambitions and desires.

Thank you for everyone who has supported me thus far. I will keep you posted as I hear from the Lord. Happy New Year!

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