

Have you ever experienced passion for the Lord? The kind that starts in deep places of your soul, and moves out until it forms that sweet smile of pure joy across your face? I was listening to a song this morning by Evan Earwicker, and one line was resonating with me. A few simple words that hold so much truth.

"I don't want to sing of a passion I've never known."

How easy it is to go to church, or to a bible study, and pay lip service. Singing the songs without actually pondering the words leaving our lips. Putting on the mask. Fitting the part.

I don't want to do that.

We have a friend whose passion was dancing. For every play or outreach our church back home put on, she was there for months prior. She coordinated every dance step, and picked out the perfect music, praying through every decision. Her way of worship was through dance. Somehow, as she danced, the world around her melted away. And God used that gifting incredibly. Nearly a year ago, Sara was killed in a car accident at the age of 25. Six weeks earlier, she had put her heart and soul into choreographing a handful of hip hop dances for a powerful purity conference held on the Oregon State campus. She went out in a blaze of glory, doing what she loved. And people were impacted eternally because of it.

I don't want to passively sit on the sidelines, allowing the business side of things to take away from my passion. I don't want to be caught, when it's my time, having gotten away from the initial vision God gave me. I want to be caught, like Sara, in a blaze of glory. Passionately pursuing what I was called to do. Not just taking portraits of people. But telling stories. Encouraging believers. Supporting missionaries. Using this gifting He has given me to the fullest extent of His ability, which I cannot begin to imagine the possibilities of.

As I listened to this song this morning, I thought about dance as a form of worship. I'm not a dancer. But as I shoot, I'm dancing. And with every spin, and graceful move of that dance, photographs are thrown up in the air above me. Rising up to the heavens with a beautiful dance of their own, a sacrifice back to the God who created me.

May I never be caught doing my own dance. Because it really isn't pretty.

To listen to "Dance With Me" by Evan Earwicker, pause the music on the player to your right.

Be blessed today!