
You Know You're a Photographer When...

We fired up the barbeque for the first time this year. Ok I say "we" loosely. Josh was the one out there fighting smoke in his eyes, while I sat inside. On the couch. A cold Mike's in hand, and the laptop on my lap (go figure--they don't call it a laptop for nothin'!) Anyway, he got the burgers going, then threw open the door. As he ran (literally) upstairs, I could trace his steps through the ceiling, down the hall, into the office, and back downstairs again.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Josh: "Getting the Canon!"

Duh. Should have known.

So there you go. You know you're a photographer when you grab the camera in a frenzy to get a shot of a burger on the grill. Mmmm.. I think I know what I'm having for lunch.

Now you fill in the blank. Leave a comment with "You know you're a photographer when ____________." The best one gets a $10 gift certificate to Eastside Java! (Deadline is this Sunday night, April 6.)


Unknown said...

dude, Josh, I have had the BBQ going in the snow... c'mon. next time you have to use the Lava Rock!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love it!! Haha!

You know you're a photographer when...your favorite "purse" is your Tracy Joy camera bag!

Chris said...

Ah man now I'm hungry...um...can I have a burger?

Chris said...

oh...and I think Josh needs a new grill top. That thing is looking a little rough around the edges, literally.

Jane ::: Ethni Photography said...

Heather! Those bags are so cute! You just opened up a whole new world for me! My husband isn't going to like you very much... hehe

SJacobus said...

How funny. I did similar when we were out camping recently. I'm sitting there looking at this huge fire and thinking how cool the coals look and wondering if I can get a good shot of some of them without melting my pocket camera. Well for the challenge...lets see...(mind you this is gonna be cheezy).

You know your a photographer when...Everything you do is snapped, cropped and uploaded.

Anonymous said...

Haha, how funny! She just got back from maternity leave too and has some specials going on right now! She's a dream to work with! Your husband will really not like me now, hahaha!

kgfoto said...

you know you're a photographer when you see an ad or bulletin board and try and guess the f-stop it was shot at! (love me some shallow dof!)

Michael Costa said...

When 51% of your income comes from photography jobs. Hey, someone had to leave the boring answer :)