
Photographers who Inspire: Brianna Graham

I was thinking this morning about what photographer I was going to feature who inspires me. As I sat there studying Ephesians, I felt compelled to emphasize first and foremost that I am ultimately inspired by the Spirit of God in my life. My entire vision for my photography, and the donation to missions with every single session I do, came out of spending time on my face before Him, and He has been so incredibly faithful to build both my style and my creativity. As I prepare for the launch of my website, I am continually amazed at the shape it's taken and style it's become. So much has changed drastically in my approach to shots and post-processing in the last six months alone... Anyway, I love the amplified translation of the second part of Ephesians 5:18:

"...ever be filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit."

Since I read that particular verse last week, my prayer has been daily for the Spirit of God to fill me, and stimulate me in my creativity continually!

Now... this week's photographer who inspires: Brianna Graham!

Her blog is among my bookmarks of blogs I check daily. I love her rich, earthy colors, and funky design. Her style is a lot like my own, and her workshop is on my radar of things to do in the next year! Isn't this shot of the boy the cutest thing you've ever seen?? Love it! Go check her out: www.briannagraham.com

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