My life as a photographer is entirely dependant on my perspective with the Lord. I've been studying in my own quiet time these last two days on the story of Samson. And something I read in my study this morning really struck a chord in me. It's the idea of potential. In my study, one of the questions raised said:
"Contrast the sad end to Samson's life with its bright dawn in the sincere desire of his parents to rear him aright (Judges 13:8, 12). Can you suggest reasons why Samson fulfililed so little of his potential?"
I just started thinking about how Samson's life began bathed in prayer, his parents wholeheartedly seeking God continually as to how they were to raise their son. Promises were given, and what joy they must have experienced--not just an angel...but THE Angel of the Lord talking with them face to face! But as Samson lived out his life, the idea of invincibility began to creep in. I'm sure he neglected to pray, assuming that God would just do his thing. Pride and power took over, and he compromised in specific things God had told him. The story is sobering to me--he began full of the promises and the presence of God. And his life ended in blind, powerless captivity, the presence of the Lord having departed from Him and only returning in mercy to answer his last prayer. And I just started thinking that I don't want to be the person that's said "gosh... she had so much potential, but..." I pray that I would have a singular focus on the Lord, and that my life verse (Matthew 6:22) would be real in my life daily.
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