
Self Taught?

So I've been going for these last few months, playing with photography and posting it online, doing my thing. I've done a handful of tutorials on Photoshop, but am really teaching myself the tricks as I go. It's amazing how much pride is associated with being self taught. (Yes, I have a bachelor's degree in photography, but all my training was on film. So regarding the digital aspect of photography, I'm on my own!)

"That's right," we think with a swelling of pride in our hearts and a grin on our face. "I did that and I taught myself how to do it. This is natural born talent right here!" Oh boy. Warning! Danger ahead!

I've noticed occasionally in these last few weeks that once I hit the "sweet spot" for a photo in the editing process, then save it and post it online...when I return to look at it again I think "Huh. That doesn't look as cool as I remember it looking." Then comes the discouragement and the drive to learn more. But once I finished editing this recent batch of golf tournament photos and saw how drab the colors were once I posted them, I knew something just wasn't right. I did some digging and, sure enough, I was doing everything wrong. Even down to "save as" vs. "save for web & devices." The way I was doing it was absolutely not recommended at all by the person doing the tutorial. Oops. That's what I get for winging it as I go. Oh sure...check this box...that quality sounds good...size it to these pixels. What a lesson in humility...and a little relief that I'm not crazy after all.

Below is a before and after. The first is the image saved "Jane's way." The second is the image saved the right way. There certainly is a lot to be said for education!

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