
The Inauguration

Alright, here's the background story on how I got to the point of joining the rest of the world and creating a blog. First of all, being back in a graphic design position has reignited the creative side of my brain, and has been difficult to turn off. I'm working not only in phenomenal design programs, but have the latest versions of Adobe Photoshop, Bridge and Camera Raw at my fingertips, as well as spendy online training programs for my use during any down time in my day. These tools have super-charged my desire to start my own business. But taking it from desire to reality is...expensive.

There are so many little aspects involved: you need to register your business name, fund a website, market yourself (business cards, brochures, etc), plus all the supplies. I'm looking at a new camera, two photo editing programs, lighting equipment and a couple backdrops, and eventually a new computer for me to store all my files and programs on without clogging up our laptop for Josh! All that adds up...quick. I've figured out that I ideally need about $4,000 if I were to get everything all at once--and that allows a cushion of around $800 for marketing (brochures, postcards, etc.) We'll see how it all takes shape...and how long it will be!

Since Josh has been going to bed so early (7:15pm to be at work by 4:00am), I have the whole evening all to myself. Last night, I wanted to go out and take some pictures...of what? I had no idea. I was contemplating it as I walked down the stairs and glanced out the window. There across the street was a retro school bus that had never been parked there before. "Perfect!" I grabbed the camera, and Diesel, and went for a walk.

As we approached the bus I noticed, much to my delight, that it was covered in grafitti! Not just any grafitti...scripture. ALL over the stinkin' thing! It looked like a bunch of youth group kids grabbed some markers and went crazy! I don't know if you can see because the image isn't quite big enough, but over the exhaust pipe they wrote "Exhausted? Look to Jesus! The eternal God is our refuge...and underneath are the Everlasting Arms.." So great!

Here are a few from another evening after Josh went to bed last week:

Diesel - Cutest Puppy Ever!

A flower in our front yard after the sprinklers turned off.

1 comment:

Tim Banasek said...

Janelle, these are great pictures! You've really got talent. I'm glad to learn that you're trying to set up a business to capitalize on it. Good luck with that!