
Hopeful Post-Christmas Melancholy

This post has absolutely nothing to do with photography... but I read something this morning that needs to be shared. It's written by Jim Bloom--executive director of John Piper’s ministry, Desiring God. He refers to the post-Christmas melancholy that can come as you look on the heels of piles of already-opened gifts and discarded wrapping paper, sitting beneath a very dry and empty tree. It's a very good, very quick read:
Hopeful Post-Christmas Melancholy
December 26, 2007 | By: Jon Bloom
Category: Commentary

Each year Christmas night finds members of my family feeling some melancholy. After weeks of anticipation, the Christmas celebrations have flashed by us and are suddenly gone. And we’re left standing, watching the Christmas taillights and music fade into the night.

But it’s possible that this moment of melancholy may be the best teaching moment of the whole season. Because as long as the beautiful gifts remain unopened around the tree and the events are still ahead of us, they can appear to be the hope we are waiting for. But when the tree is empty and events are past, we realize we are longing for a lasting hope.

So last night, as Pam and I tucked our kids into bed, we talked about a few things with them:
  • Gifts and events can’t fill the soul. God gives us such things to enjoy. They are expressions of his generosity as well as ours, but gifts and celebrations themselves are not designed to satisfy. They’re designed to point us to the Giver. Gifts are like sunbeams. We are not meant to love sunbeams but the Sun.
  • Putting our hope in gifts will leave us empty. Many people live their lives looking for the right sunbeam to make them happy. But if we depend on anything in the world to satisfy our soul’s deepest desire, it will eventually leave us with that post-Christmas soul-ache. We will ask, “Is that all?” because we know deep down that’s not all there is. We are designed to treasure a Person, not things.
  • It is more blessed to give than receive. What kind of happiness this Christmas felt richer, getting the presents that you wanted or making someone else happy with something that you gave to them? Receiving is a blessing, but Jesus is right—giving is a greater blessing.A greedy soul lives in a small, lonely world. A generous soul lives in a wide world of love.
It’s just like God to let the glitter and flash of the celebrations (even in His honor) to pass and then to come to us in the quiet, even melancholic void they leave. Because often that’s when we are most likely to understand the hope He intends for us to have at Christmas.


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! It's amazing to me how quickly things come and go--this holiday was no exception. I feel like life is on fast forward and the slow down button is broken! This Christmas, we were lucky enough to actually have my husband's family come to us, and everyone actually was able to make it! It's been years since they had a good family portrait, so the boys were gracious enough to put on their black and their jeans and act as models for me! I love the last picture--Hannah is the youngest of the Johnson clan, and I love how her brothers surround her and she's just tickled pink in the middle of them. Lord help her first boyfriend! And, might I add that my husband took the picture of me with his mom and sister. He has a hidden gifting that he doesn't realize yet!
An unexpected Christmas surprise was waiting for me when I got up yesterday morning: a few days ago, bludomain.com did a call for self portraits 125x125 pixels--they had something special planned for Christmas. I got on their blog and was joyfully surprised to see my self portrait among the 30 chosen winners out of 467 entries! Go check it out: I'm in the third row! I find out sometime today what my prize is. I never win anything!!

Anyway, it was a wonderful holiday, worshiping our Saviour, spending time with family, another perfect turkey and even snow in the afternoon. Thank You Lord for sending your Son to die for me that I might have an incredible relationship with You! M
erry Christmas--may Jesus continue to bless you and your family!!


Shad & Melinda

I did an engagement shoot with Shad and Melinda on Sunday afternoon, and it was COLD outside! I could hardly move my fingers by the time we were done, but it was still fun, and I'm so pleased with how the photos turned out. They brought their dog, McKinley, along for the shoot who kept me laughing. I'm doing Shad and Melinda's wedding in September, and I can't wait. It's going to be beautiful!


Laura at Curl Up and Dye

:::UPDATE::: As of January '08, Laura is at a new salon: Curl Up and Dye! How cute is that name?!

As my husband would say, I got a "bangin' new 'do!" If you're in Bend and are looking for a fabulous hairdresser, go see Laura at Shag Salon! The salon is on NE Division, and she only charges $28 for a haircut. She's pretty much amazing!


Last Senior of the Season!

Let me just say that Andrea is SUCH a trooper! We did her shoot on Sunday afternoon. No snow in the forecast, but the temperature was barely at freezing. Of course, right at 2:30 when we met downtown, it began to snow. And it snowed for the full hour! Poor Andrea wasn't exactly dressed for the weather, but you can't tell that she's a popsicle in the photos! Thanks for pushing through with me, Andrea! You were great!! Here are a few of my favorites:


Tilt-Shift Lens

My friend Erik at Big Folio was kind enough to let me borrow his new tilt-shift lens this afternoon for a shoot I'm doing on Sunday. I was playing with it this evening. I've read a lot of discussion about the lens online. A lot of people wonder what the point is of using it when you can blur out specific areas in Photoshop. In my opinion, I think the lens is great! Mostly because some of my best photos can end up being the "accidental" shots. Just from playing with the tilt-shift for about an hour, I can see how it can give a pretty sweet effect. And I figure why spend some time finessing a blur tool on photoshop when I can turn a knob on a lens in less than a second and get the same effect? Here are a few of the photos.

Little Jonah

Jonah is the cutest little guy you'll ever see. All of seven days old and just over 5 lbs, he fit perfectly in this stocking. I'll take one of him for Christmas!


2008 Wedding Special!

Click on the image below to see the current 2008 Wedding Special!
*Update: two 50% off coupons left!*



Here's a glimpse of Thanksgiving at our house this year. There were 10 of us, and it was frigid outside but so fun. Spending time with all the family together is rare these days. Besides getting some shots of my sister, I made my very first turkey, Josh played football in The Fellowship at Bend's annual Turkey Bowl, and the family sat around the table and played games galore! So much fun. What am I thankful for? Well, I'm absolutely astounded at what God has done in recent months. The vision He's given for Ethni, the way He's provided, the trip to Africa in February.... I'm amazed at how it's all coming together so quickly. I'm so thankful for every little piece of it. And I'm SO thankful for a husband who is my biggest fan, showing endless support. God is so good, so giving, and so faithful!


All in the Family

My family came to me this Thanksgiving and it was wonderful! Everything turned out better than expected, and I even got to get some shots of my twin sister and her husband. They were in town from Arizona and graciously braved the 29 degrees for some great photos. I wish the holiday lasted a little bit longer!

Beautiful Family

Finally--a few more of the family photos as promised!


Puzzle Pieces

Here is a photo from a shoot I did in the park last weekend. Large group shots with little ones can be difficult to maneuver... just when you get the kids to smile, the parents are looking away or blinking. And the editing can be like putting together a puzzle if you don't end up with one great shot. For this first photo I actually combined three photographs to get the one great shot with everyone looking. I included thumbnails of the individual photos this one shot required to create. Click on it to enlarge and see the pieces. If you look closely, the little guy's head in the top left corner is circled in two different shots--that's because I had to combine both of them to get a good one of him. Anyway, it was a fun shoot. I love this family! They were troopers--even though it was very cold outside! The rest of the photos will come in the next day or two.



Here's a quick pic I took of our friends' daughter when we were in Sunriver two weeks ago. Isn't she adorable?


Miss Megan

I got a little carried away with Megan's senior photo shoot last Friday--we were out for almost two hours! Probably because she has the most amazing eyes! They just pop out at you. Also because part of me knew it was the last of the great fall weather. We were lucky enough to get 67 degrees in November!



I have a thing for murals painted on walls. Probably because they make for instant, funky backgrounds that are full of rich color!